
Water recedes in Chongqing

发布时间:2010-07-22  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]


In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, water has begun to recede in parts of the city. Some local residents have returned to their homes to clean up the mess.

Life is recovering in Chongqing Municipality after being pounded by strong floods.

Power and water supplies have resumed in the city, and local residents have started to clear the silt and water out of their homes. Many use basins, shovels and other tools to help clean the mess.

Local communities in Chongqing have dispatched staff to deal with the silt on streets.

Staff of local communiy, said, "We are trying to create access to Changbin Road, and then the toilet can also be used as usual."

After the silt is removed, people are busy moving their belongings back to their houses.

A local resident said, "We first moved the big pieces back home after finishing the cleanup. The small pieces will then be moved back."

Meanwhile, related departments have also disinfected streets, houses and other public places to prevent any possible epidemic. It is expected that by the end of this week, people whose houses have been flooded in Chongqing municipality can all return home.

In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, water has begun to recede in parts of the city. 

In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, 
water has begun to recede in parts of the city.

In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, water has begun to recede in parts of the city. 

In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, 
water has begun to recede in parts of the city. 

In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, water has begun to recede in parts of the city. 

In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, 
water has begun to recede in parts of the city. 

In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, water has begun to recede in parts of the city. 
In Chongqing Municipality, one of the worst flood hit regions in southwest China, 
water has begun to recede in parts of the city. 

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