
Pakistani sufis protest against attack

发布时间:2010-07-04  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]


Thousands of Pakistanis have marched in Lahore to voice their anger at a bomb attack on one of the country's most important Sufi shrines. The attack, targeted the Muslim sect and killed more than 40 people.

Protesters marched outside the now shattered Data Darbar Shrine, which was hit by two suicide bombers late on Thursday.

They held up placards and demanded justice for the victims of Thursday's violence.

42 people were killed and 180 were wounded after bombs were set off minutes apart in the packed shrine.

No group has claimed responsibility, but extremists consider Sufism, a strand of Islam, to be heretical.

Pakistan's Interior Minister condemned the attack and pointed to the various militant groups operating in the country.

Rehman Malik, said, Pakistan's Interior Minister, said, "I condemn this attack on the Data Darbar Shrine in which our faith resides. I feel that these institutions of our ancestors should be protected."

The suicide bombings have also fueled anger against Pakistan's weak police forces, who appear helpless to stop the killings.

Demonstrators were eventually dispersed after police fired into the air.


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