
George W Bush joins social networking giant Facebook

发布时间:2010-06-03  来源:英国广播公司(BBC)  字体大小[ ]

Former US president George W Bush has created an account on the social networking website Facebook.

Mr Bush's Facebook account was given the thumbs up, or "liked", by over 20,000 users within its first few hours.

He has listed the Bush Clinton Haiti Fund and the Barbara Bush Foundation as two of his favourite pages on the site.

Mr Bush's first Facebook post, which is written in the third person, says he has "remained active" since leaving office in 2008.

"He has visited 20 states and 8 countries; given over 65 speeches; launched the George W Bush Presidential Center; participated in 4 policy conferences through The Bush Institute; finished the first draft of his memoir, "Decision Points"; and partnered with (former) President Clinton to establish the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund," the post reads.

Within hours, Facebook users had opened discussions on his page entitled "This isn't really you..." and "Change your profile pic, sir".

"I do wish that the REAL George W Bush would write something to the US people. I'm disappointed that everything is filtered through a media representative. Please connect with us," one user posted to Mr Bush's Facebook page.

A Twitter account apparently set up by the former president also drew 5,000 followers within its first three hours on the same day.

But Bush spokesman David Sherzer told the AFP news agency that the account did not belong to Mr Bush and that the former president had no future plans to "tweet".

Mr Bush's entry into social media comes a month after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez urged former Cuban President Fidel Castro and Bolivian leader Evo Morales to join him on Twitter.


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