
Ex-Minister Juan Manuel Santos leads Colombia vote

发布时间:2010-05-31  来源:英国广播公司(BBC)  字体大小[ ]

Juan Manuel Santos, 29 May

Former Colombian Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos has won the first round of the country's presidential election.

With almost all the ballots counted, Mr Santos - who is supported by popular incumbent Alvaro Uribe - is credited with about 47% of the vote.

His main rival, Antanas Mockus of the Green Party, achieved 21%.

Although Mr Santos failed to win outright, he is expected to get the support of some defeated candidates and to win the 20 June run-off.

Mr Santos, of the Social National Unity Party, has promised to continue the tough security policies of Mr Uribe - who cannot run after having served two consecutive terms.

Mr Mockus, a former mayor of Bogota, has put more emphasis on education and fighting corruption.

Quality of life

Mr Santo's first-round victory is seen as a surprise, as many opinion polls had placed the two main contenders neck and neck.

The BBC's Jeremy McDermott in Colombia says the result is effectively a vote for a continuation of the security policy that has been the hallmark of the two administrations of President Uribe.

Reacting to the announcement, Mr Santos said: "This is your victory President Uribe, and for all of us who want to defend your enormous legacy."

Mr Uribe still has approval ratings of 60% after almost eight years in power. He is credited with policies that have curbed guerrilla activities and reduced drugs crime.

Mr Mockus, for his part, told supporters: "Today we've reached a goal that seemed impossible a few months ago: going ahead to a second round. If we're creative, we'll win that second round."

Mr Mockus is seen as having improved the quality of life for citizens in the capital with public works projects.

His supporters point to his economic record, while his critics say he is too inexperienced to run the country, in particular in maintaining the pressure on the left-wing rebels.

Mr Santos is widely expected to get the support of other pro-government candidates.

German Vargas Lleras, who looks set to win third place, has already hinted that he will back Mr Santos, effectively delivering him another 10% of the electorate.

The Conservative Party, which has also been part of President Uribes governing coalition, gained another 6% of the vote, which is also likely to go to Mr Santos, analysts say.

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