
Newspaper review: Reaction to Bradford murders

发布时间:2010-05-29  来源:英国广播公司(BBC)  字体大小[ ]

  "It could have been me" are the haunted words of a friend of the three murdered women in Bradford.

  Anna Kennedy, who is no longer a prostitute, tells the Daily Mirror all three victims had been trying to leave the sex trade.

  She describes how Susan Rushworth told her on the day she disappeared that she had already decided to turn her life around for her three children.

  The Guardian says the women's lives mirror those of the victims of Suffolk serial killer Steve Wright in 2006.

  Law changes

  Prostitutes blame laws that were passed last year for the murders in Bradford.

  The Independent says increased raids on brothels have forced women onto the streets and sex workers are now less likely to report violence against them.

  The Daily Mail concentrates on the education of the man charged with the three murders.

  After private school, Stephen Griffiths is said to have studied at Leeds University before researching for a doctorate at Bradford.

  Choppy waters

  For the Financial Times, it is the "first big test" for the coalition.

  For the Daily Telegraph, the prospect of a rise in capital gains tax shows the government is already sailing into choppy waters.

  The Independent believes most of the protests are emanating from the wealthy and can be safely ignored.

  But the Daily Mail reports that Chancellor George Osborne is already looking favourably on plans to modify the change to capital gains tax.

  Spot the difference

  A cafe in Essex called Hollands appears to have upset a top department store because of the similarity of its logo.

  Nigel and Leyla Holland's roadside diner opened four months ago and now the Sun says Harrods has given the couple until the end of the month to change the writing on their wall.

  The Daily Mirror comes up with an easy guide to spot "the real Harrods".

  It is in Knightsbridge, the Queen shops there and it has 100,000 customers a day. The Hollands' cafe has just 150.


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