
Music brings peoples of Zimbabwe and China together on stage

发布时间:2012-07-19  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Zimbabwe and China may be two nations far apart geographically. But music is bringing the peoples of both countries together on one stage. The Zimbabwe College of Music Chorus is currently here in China, and on Tuesday they gave a special joint concert with some Chinese musicians.

As the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is underway, a lot of cultural exchange activities are also taking part. This special concert is part of them. The members are youth from China and Zimbabwe. While they may not share a mother tongue, but music will do as a common language."

The small stage didn’t stop people enjoying the music. The melodious voices come from the Zimbabwe College of Music Chorus. But it’s actually Chinese folk songs that they’re singing with some added African flavor.

These African students have spent several months practicing, under the guidance of a professional Chinese teacher. It’s helped them to learn something about Chinese culture.

The Zimbabwe College of Music Chorus is currently here in China, and on Tuesday they
gave a special joint concert with some Chinese musicians.


Rachel Jera-Chigwanda, Dep. Director of Zimbabwe College of Music, said, "Through these songs, we’ve learnt a little, may be a lot about China that we didn’t know before. It’s very good, because through mixing, we know more about China, and because of this, here we are in China. We’ve never been here. So it’s something very grateful to us."

The powerful African rhythm and dancing conquered the hearts of the audience, and the young Chinese musicians.

A student from Beihang Uni., said, "Their music is full of passion and I think African people have very good feelings of music, and we can learn a lot from them."

In return, young Chinese musicians also brought their best. Though they’re students majoring in science and technology, each of them took on the role of a professional vocalist.

The concert reached its climax when the students from the two continents sang a Chinese song together. Maybe time was too short for real and in-depth communication, but for now, the music has done the talking.

The powerful African rhythm and dancing conquers the hearts of the audience, and the
young Chinese musicians.

The powerful African rhythm and dancing conquers the hearts of the audience, and the
young Chinese musicians.



 中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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