
Alliance of Libya's ex-interim PM leads landmark polls

发布时间:2012-07-10  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

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TRIPOLI, July 9 (Xinhua) -- Libya's once interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril's National Forces Alliance (NFA) took the lead in the country's national congress elections with over 50,000 votes in three constituencies, according to the initial results announced Monday.

Head of Libya's National High Electoral Commission, Nuri al Abbar, announced the initial results of the elections during a press conference here in the Libyan capital Tripoli, as the NFA led the polls with 52,559 votes in the constituencies of No. 9, 10 and 11.

The NFA gained an absolute majority in Janzor, the No. 10 constituency, with 2,6798 votes, while the Muslim Brotherhood's Justice and Construction Party got only 2,423 votes.

Libya's once interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril's National Forces
Alliance (NFA)took the lead in the country's national congress elections
with over 50,000 votes in three constituencies, according to the initial
results announced Monday.

In Zlitan, the No. 11 constituency, the NFA got 19,200 votes, while the Justice and Construction Party garnered 5,626.

An Islamic political entity named the Union for the Sake of Homeland led the polls in Misrata with 20,696 votes, while the Justice and Construction Party gaining 17,165 votes and the NFA 6, 561.

The NFA, an alliance of political parties, non-governmental organizations, individuals as well as other groups, is described by many, especially the Western media, as "a liberal alliance."

Libya's once interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril's National Forces Alliance (NFA)
took the lead in the country's national congress elections with over 50,000 votes in three constituencies, according to the initial results announced Monday.

On Sunday, however, Jibril reiterated that the NFA is not " liberal," emphasizing that the NFA is "not a political party," but an "alliance of political parties and independent candidates."

The landmark national congress elections in Libya, which took place on Saturday, was hailed as a milestone on the path toward democracy after the toppling of ex-leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Around 1.6 million voters out of more than 2.7 million registered voters cast their ballots in the elections, reflecting a turnout of 60 percent.

Two-fifths of the 200 seats in the new parliament will be reserved for political parties and groups that were once banned under Gaddafi's rule, according to the final draft of the country' s election law published early February this year. The rest will be allocated to independent candidates.

The final result of the elections is scheduled to be announced on July 11.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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