
Football star Drogba joins Olympic torch relay

发布时间:2012-05-24  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Didier Drogba, fresh from Chelsea's European Cup triumph, ran with the Olympic torch on Wednesday as it continued its journey around the UK. Thousands cheering for Didier Drogba have mobbed the Olympic torch relay route in southwest England, hoping to get a glimpse of the Cote d'Ivoire striker as he carried the flame.

Dressed all in white, the 34-year-old striker waved as he trotted along with the torch.

Chelsea soccer player Didier Drogba carries the London 2012
Olympic torch during the route through Swindon, England May 23,

Many fans, some wearing Chelsea blue jerseys, cheered as their hero ran through the center of Swindon. Drogba jogged for 300 metres along the route before handing over the torch to the next bearer.

He has announced he was quitting Chelsea just days after they won over Bayern Munich last Saturday.

Former Chelsea footballer Didier Drogba runs with the 2012 Olympic torch in
Swindon, west of London.

Olympic torchbearers exchange the flame on their way through Newquay in Cornwall,
southwest England, on May 19.

This photograph made available by LOCOG shows Didier Drogba carrying the Olympic
Flame on the leg between Royal Wootton Bassett and Swindon, south west England,
Wednesday May 23, 2012.


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