
Facebook CEO marries longtime girlfriend

发布时间:2012-05-21  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

SAN FRANCISCO, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Online social network company Facebook's co-founder and chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg announced on his Facebook timeline Saturday evening that he and longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan have tied the knot.

"Mark Zuckerberg added a life event to May 19, 2012 on his timeline: Married Priscilla Chan," read his post. As the photo he posted shows, the young CEO wore a suit jacket at the wedding rather than his trademark hoodie.


Online social network company Facebook's co-founder and chief executive officer
Mark Zuckerberg announced on his Facebook timeline Saturday evening that he and
longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan have tied the knot.

The couple tied the knot at Zuckerberg's home in Palo Alto, California. "Zuckerberg's wedding was in his backyard, before fewer than 100 guests, who thought they were there to celebrate Chan's graduation," according to a tweet from a Huffington Post editor.

Chan and Zuckerberg met at Harvard and have been dating for more than nine years. Chan, 27 years old, is an American-Chinese.


Online social network company Facebook's co-founder and chief executive officer Mark
Zuckerberg announced on his Facebook timeline Saturday evening that he and longtime
girlfriend Priscilla Chan have tied the knot.

The wedding wraps up a busy week for the couple. Zuckerberg turned 28 on Monday, the same day Chan graduated from the medical school at the University of California, San Francisco. On Friday, he rang the bell from Facebook headquarters in California, staging one of the most anticipated initial public offering in Wall Street history.

Facebook's shares, priced at 38 U.S. dollars on Thursday, opened at 42.05 dollars on Friday, and closed at 38.23 dollars.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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