
Countdown to Egypt's election

发布时间:2012-05-21  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The latest on Egypt’s presidential elections… Partial results from early Egyptian expatriate voters show Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, is in the lead.

Abdel Moniem Abol-Fotouh, an islamist and one of the front-runners of the Egyptian Presidential elections.As Egypt prepares to elect its first president after Hosni Mubarak’s three-decade rule, the former Muslim Brotherhood member ramps up his campaigns to gain more support.

Presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh (C) hold hands with supporters
during a presidential rally in Cairo May 18, 2012.

Thousands rallied in Egypt in support of their candidate carrying his posters.

Someone said, "He did a miracle to bring all different parties to support him: Liberals, radicals, Christian , Muslims, everybody. That is his strength."

Someone said, "I believe in this man. Dr Abol Fotouh managed to unite the political factions and this never happened in the Egyptian history. He managed to unite the liberals, leftists, moderates and all of the factions"

Semi-official results from Egypt’s expatriates vote showed that Abdel Mouneim Aboul Fotouh is in the lead Aboul Fotouh ranked first with 11,934 votes counted at 15 embassies and consulates worldwide. The electoral campaign of moderate-Islamist presidential candidate Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh is considered one of the largest in terms of volunteer numbers, which have currently reached some 96,000 according to campaign organisers.

Fotouh said, "Our project Egypt is Strong will always remain a project for Egypt and not a personal project. This project my brothers got us all united and integrated with all the political and national forces to develop it. This project represents the largest no. of Egyptians supporting it."

Uniquely, the Islamic candidate stands on the stage among a group of political, sports figures, actors and renown activists. The now-strong candidate was expelled by the brotherhood last year when he defied group leaders in order to run for the presidency Abol Fotouh is now their strongest rival.

Reporter: “It is not surprising to have a strong Islamic contender for the presidential elections but what comes to everyone’s surprise that the Islamic contender is facing his former group which took more than 50% of the seats. Yet the upcoming poll may bring more surprises.”

Presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh greets his supporters during a
presidential rally in Cairo May 18, 2012.

Supporters of Presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, chant during a
rally in Cairo, May 18, 2012.

Presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh waves back to his supporters
during a presidential rally in Cairo May 18, 2012.

Supporters of Presidential candidate, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, hold posters
while marching during a presidential rally in Cairo, May 18, 2012.

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