
Pakistan to join NATO Summit

发布时间:2012-05-18  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

Pakistan is officially coming to the NATO Smmit - That’s the 11th- hour word from Islamabad. Some say it’s an indication that a big deal could be signed to re-open NATO supply routes. But Pakistan also has some big goals of its own.

Pakistan’s top civilian and military leaders have decided Islamabad will make its presence felt in Chicago.

But are they ready to open vital supply routes, where equipment for NATO troops have waited for 6 months stalled by a friendly fire incident in November when US NATO aircraft, mistakenly fired on Pakistani soldiers?

Pakistan is calling on the US in particular to apologize for the incident, which left 24 dead. Prime Minister Gilani says he wants relations with NATO to improve.

Gilani said, “NATO is not confined to only one country. There are more than 40 countries involved.”

The supply routes carry 40% of non-military supplies for NATO’s international security assistance for troops that support the Afghan government. No weapons are sent through, but vehicles like human trucks need to use the route

Pakistani trucking companies are also suffering, many drivers are out of work.

The supply routes will be increasingly important as NATO troops scale down their presence until the scheduled full withdrawal of combat troops by 2014.

Leaving NATO trained Afghan force to guard their own security.

Pakistan has its own agenda at this summit: defending off power plays by rivals in the region.

Dennis Kux with The Wilson Center said, “But now in the capitals around the area in Islamabad, Tehran, Moscow, New Delhi, they are fearful that as NATO pulls out Afghanistan will again fall into chaos. They’re fearful that India might get the upper hand in Afghanistan.”

Just days ago, New Delhi hosted a high level Afghan delegation focused on Afghanistan’s badly needed infrastructure.

Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari will attend the NATO Summit in Chicago too. And he’ll be arriving with demands. His bottom line: an unconditional apology for the border incident and an end to US drone strikes within Pakistan’s borders.

Mike O Hanlon with Brookings Institution said, “If you look at the major logistics requirements in Afghanistan in the south and east where we really need these supply lines. It’s also American forces that nee them the most.”

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