
Glamour to mark Queen Elizabeth II's Jubilee celebration

发布时间:2012-05-16  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

Over to England, where dozens of celebrities and hundreds of horses and performers gathered on Sunday night to celebrate the 250 State and Commonwealth visits that UK monarch Queen Elizabeth II has made during her 60 year reign.

The Queen, accompanied by her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, attended the special Diamond Jubilee pageant at Windsor Castle aimed to take the audience on a journey around the world in 90 minutes.

British actress Dame Helen Mirren, Australian TV entertainer Rolf Harris and British actor Sanjeev Bhaskar were among those who narrated the story of the Queen's voyages around the globe, while Susan Boyle and Joss Stone were some of the singers who entertained the crowd.

Performers around the world showcased their talents, among them the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Dhol drummers and dancers, Mexican singers and dancers, the New South Wales Mounted Police, Cook Island dancers and Aborigines and the Omani Mounted Activity Ride.

The event will be broadcast by ITV during Jubilee celebrations in June.

Queen arrives at Diamond Jubilee Pageant with Prince Philip in horse-drawn in carriage.

Queen disembarks from carriage upon arrival at Windsor Castle.



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