
France ready for 65th Cannes Film Festival

发布时间:2012-05-16  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

On to France, where the country seems to be going showbiz mad in preparation for this year's Cannes Film Festival, one of the world's leading annual cinema showcases, which kicks off this week.

At the moment, final preparations are under way in the glitzy coastal resort of Cannes in south-east France, where Hollywood productions will compete alongside movies from across the globe in the film festival.

2012 is the 50th year after the death of Marilyn Monroe, and the festival organizers chose to honor the Hollywood goddess by selecting a photo of her blowing out a candle on a cake as the official poster of this year's Cannes Film Festival.

Nanni Moretti, the satirical Italian film-maker heads the jury panel of this year's festival, while famous directors David Cronenberg, Ken Loach and Michael Haneke are among the 22 international film-makers vying for the Golden Palm Awards. The 65th Cannes Film Festival runs from May 16th to the 27th.

2012 is the 50th year after the death of Marilyn Monroe, and the festival organizers
chose to honor the Hollywood goddess by selecting a photo of her blowing out a candle
on a cake as the official poster of this year's Cannes Film Festival.

A worker cleans a giant film clapper of the 65th Cannes Film Festival
in front of the Carlton Hotel on the eve of the start of the festival
in Cannes, May 15, 2012.

A staff member looks on while standing on a balcony at the Festival
Palace on the eve of the opening of the 65th Cannes Film Festival, May
15, 2012.

Atmosphere at the 65th Annual Cannes Film Festival on May 15,
2012 in Cannes, France.

The poster of the 65th edition of the Cannes Film Festival

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