
Is he playing air on the G string?

发布时间:2012-05-08  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

An adventure-seeking pianist took music to new heights on Sunday when he played a piano while suspended in the air over Sao Paulo.

Hitting the high note: Ricardo Nogueria de Castro Monteiro performed as a part of
the annual Virada Cultural festival, and while being held up "tens of metres" in
the air.


Ricardo Nogueria de Castro Monteiro performed as a part of the annual Virada Cultural festival, and while being held up "tens of metres" in the air, he turned his portion into part concert, part circus act.

His particular spectacle, called The Flying Piano, took place during the so-called White Night festival over the weekend. He tickled the ivories twice mid-air, first at sunrise around 5.30am and then held a second performance at noon.

Tickling the ivories: Mr Monteiro went up in the air first at dawn around 5.30am
and then again at noon.


"Be sure that all of you will be in my thoughts when I am up there," the musician wrote on his microblog before taking to the skies.

Photographs of Mr Monteiro suspended over the Ramos de Azevedo Plaza are truly spectacular, with the unnerving height of the hefty instrument catching the viewer off guard.

Watch out below! When he isn't being suspended above ground, Mr Monteiro is a
professor at Laureate International Universities, is a semiotics consultant, a
playwright and a composer.


According to his microblog bio, when he isn't busy filling the skies with music, Mr Monteiro is a professor at Laureate International Universities, is a semiotics consultant, a playwright and a composer.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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