
Hainan tourism project kicks off

发布时间:2012-05-03  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

Southern island of Hainan, China's only tropical province, which the government hopes to develop into a top international tourism destination by 2020. Recently, Lingshui was tapped for further development, including a marine theme park and new transportation system.

With 60 percent covered by forests, beautiful beaches and warm weather, Hainan is one of the most popular scenic spots in China. And Lingshui is one of the most sought after destinations on the island, due to its good location, comfortable weather and abundant resources.

Recently, Lingshui was tapped for further development. Under new construction plans, infrastructure and ecological projects will be built first, including municipal transportation, a marine theme park and a museum.

Ding Hui, deputy director of Press Office of Hainan CPC Committee, said, "We hope this project will make Lingshui a premier destination in Asia. For instance, we will establish the biggest duty-free shopping mall in Asia. And the newly constructed museum will also be unique, with a half of the building laying in the sea."

Meanwhile, some favourable policies and incentives will also be implemented in this experimental area.

Ding said, "We hope the new kinds of incentives, including lottery games and yacht tourism, could simulate Hainan’s economy."

According to the National Development and Reform Commission, Hainan aims to become a world class island destination by the year 2020. Analysts say that if it happens, revenue from the tourism industry would make up more than 12 percent of the province’s total GDP.

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