
New dev't achieved in Olympic anti-doping efforts

发布时间:2012-04-19  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]


One of the downsides of top level international sport is the perceived scourge of drug cheats. Rumours would have us believe that drug taking is rife, yet for the multi millions of dollars spent to catch the cheats there are remarkably few positive tests. Which makes one wonder - are the cheaters a step ahead of the testers, or is the problem not as big an issue as some would have us believe.

Glaxo Smith Kline is calling it their very own thrilling Olympic race - this corporate video boasting how quickly the GSK can get results. The world’s second largest drugs company has partnered with London’s King’s College providing scientists with a 30 million dollar state of the art lab.

Here a short distance from the Olympic Park some 6,000 drugs tests will be run using the most sophisticated methods of any Olympics. Helped by a huge international team of anti doping analysts, Professor David Cowan will oversee the tests.

Up to 400 samples will be tested every day in this unique partnership between academia and corporate enterprise. Faster and more thorough they claim than at any other Games.

For all their proud boasts, the Olympics are now something of a gamble for Glaxo Smith Klyne’s world wide reputation. They say they’re going to make it the most drugs free Olympics in the history of the games and with drugs test results coming in quicker than ever before. For some drugs cheats - that’s quite a challenge.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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