
"Matilda the musical" wins big at Olivier Awards in London

发布时间:2012-04-17  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]


The Broadway-bound musical hit Matilda has been the toast of this year's Laurence Olivier Awards. Winning seven prizes at what is the most prestigious ceremony in the UK's theatre land, they included one for best actress in a musical. CCTV's Richard Bestic reports from London's West End.

CCTV's Richard Bestic said, "It's been one of those affairs that ticks all the boxes a red carpet glitzy stars and of course at the end of it all prizes for those who've done best."

And the one that did best by far was Matilda the West End's new musical sensation that's broadway bound. All held together by four little girls. 10 year old, Eleanor Worthington-Cox - recognised alongside fellow Matildas Cleo Demetriou, Kerry Ingram and Sophia Kiely - becomes the youngest ever Olivier award winner.

It's more than 30 years since a show has come even close to winning the number of Oliviers hoovered up by Matilda.

From left, Best Actress in a Musical winners, Sophia Kiely, Eleanor Worthington Cox, Kerry
Ingram and Cleo Demetriou of Matilda The Musical pose in the press room at the Olivier
Awards at the Royal Opera House, London, Sunday, April 15, 2012.

Among Matilda's theatrical treasure trove the prize for best actor in a musical for Bertie Carvel's cross dressing performance as tyrannical headmistress Agatha Trunchball.

In all a record seven awards were served up including awards for choreography and set and sound design. Matilda seen here in London as exciting and fresh in contrast to an evening where many musicals had a distinctly nostalgic feel to them.

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