
Global IT Report says digital divide widening among countries

发布时间:2012-04-06  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

A leading international business school and the World Economic Forum have released its 2012 Global Information Technology Report, arguing that a new digital divide is opening up between countries that make effective use of IT and those that do not.


A leading international business school and the World Economic Forum have released its 2012 Global Information Technology Report, arguing that a new digital divide is opening up between countries that make effective use of IT and those that do not.

The index compares the IT competitiveness among 142 economies. Northern European countries took 5 of the Top 10 spots, with Sweden ranking first overall, suggesting that the country has the highest IT competitiveness on earth. Singapore led Asian countries, ranking No.2 on the list, and it was also the only Asian country to reach the Top 10. The US ranks number 8 and China took the 51st place, continuing to pull ahead of India which is 69th.

The report concludes that emerging economies, including the BRICS countries, face important challenges and -- as of now -- lag behind the more advanced economies of Northern Europe and North America.

Due to a lack of infrastructure, sub-Saharan African countries made up the bottom of the list.

公共新闻网摘编GAN JADE

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