
7 killed, 3 injured in U.S. college shooting

发布时间:2012-04-04  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

A suspect was detained about an hour after the Monday morning shooting at Oikos University in Oakland, California. He has been described as a South Korean man in his 40s with a heavy build and wearing Khaki clothing. 



The death toll from a shooting at a Christian college in the US has risen to seven, with three others injured .

A suspect was detained about an hour after the Monday morning shooting at Oikos University in Oakland, California. He has been described as a South Korean man in his 40s with a heavy build and wearing Khaki clothing.

Pastor Jong Kim, who founded the school about 10 years ago, said the suspect had previously been a nursing student at Oikos but was no longer enrolled. The pastor said that he did not see the shooting but heard about 30 gunshots in the building. Oikos University is a Christian school that offers theology, nursing and music courses, with a preference for students of South Korean descent.

Police officers cordon off the site of a school shooting at Oikos University in Oakland, the United States, April 2, 2012. Seven people were killed and three others injured in a school shooting on Monday in Oakland, local police said. (Xinhua/Liu Yilin)

Police officers secure the site of a school shooting at Oikos University in Oakland, the United States, April 2, 2012. Seven people were killed and three others injured in a school shooting on Monday in Oakland, local police said. (Xinhua/Liu Yilin)

Police officers stand guard after a school shooting on campus of Oikos University in Oakland, the United States, April 2, 2012. Seven people were killed and three others injured in a school shooting on Monday in Oakland, local police said. (Xinhua/Liu Yilin)

Relatives of a shcool shooting victim leave the campus of Oikos University in Oakland, the United States, April 2, 2012. Seven people were killed and three others injured in a school shooting on Monday in Oakland, local police said. (Xinhua/Liu Yilin)


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