
US, Pakistani military officials meet for first time since fatal airstrikes

发布时间:2012-03-30  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

 Senior US and Pakistani military officials have met in Islamabad in what many see as an unprecedented escalation in diplomatic efforts between the two nations. The meeting follows sideline talks between US President Barack Obama and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani at the Seoul nuclear summit on Tuesday and comes ahead of a high profile visit to Pakistan by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. But how likely are these measures to ease current tensions?


Senior US and Pakistani military officials have met in Islamabad in what many see as an unprecedented escalation in diplomatic efforts between the two nations. The meeting follows sideline talks between US President Barack Obama and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani at the Seoul nuclear summit on Tuesday and comes ahead of a high profile visit to Pakistan by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. But how likely are these measures to ease current tensions?

Wednesday’s meeting between the United States and Pakistan’s top military brass is the highest level military meeting since 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed by NATO forces last November.

In the interim the countries have exchanged a number of thinly veiled criticisms of each other during the most tense period of their diplomatic alliance.

On Tuesday US President Barack Obama met with Pakistan’s Prime Minister on the side lines of a nuclear summit in Seoul for the he most prominent talks since the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Afterwards the President expressed his most candid views to date on the troubled US-Pakistan alliance.

Obama said, “There have been times – I think we should be frank – over the last several months where those relations have had periods of strains, but I welcome the fact that the parliament of Pakistan is reviewing, after some extensive study, the nature of this relationship, I think it’s important for us to get it right, I think it’s important for us to have candid dialogue, to work through these issues in a constructive fashion and a transparent fashion, and my expectation is that as a result of the review that’s taking place in Pakistan, as well as the work that we’re doing on the American side that we can achieve the kind of balanced approach that respects Pakistan’s sovereignty but also respects our concerns.”

In spite of this Pakistan’s parliament is pressing ahead with a review of recommendations from its national security committee on future ties with Washington.

They include a end to U.S. drone attacks in the tribal regions of Pakistan and the possible reopening of supply routes to NATO troops in Afghanistan.

Adding momentum to this latest upsurge in American diplomatic efforts is the proposed visit by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the coming weeks.

An escalation of activity which implies, analysts say, a final push ahead of elections in both countries in the coming months.

Political analyst Imitiza Gul said, “I think elections in both countries basically is making their respective positions harder or making it very difficult for the leadership in both countries to re-position themselves and redefine the terms of engagement. However given the current situation I think both countries should be able to find a middle way at some stage and after the pakistani parliament is through the recommendations that have come from various sources as far as the resetting of the relationship with the US is concerned.”

Reporter: “The unprecedented level of interaction between top civil and military leaders reveals the depth of concern over diplomatic relations between the United States and Pakistan.”

With the strain showing in what is an election year for both sides potentially, little choice remains but to push forward with these tricky negotiations.


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