
IOC "happy" with 2012 Olympic preparations in London

发布时间:2012-03-29  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge says that the IOC is "happy" with London's preparations for this summer's Olympics.


International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge says that the IOC is "happy" with London's preparations for this summer's Olympics.

Rogge's comments came at the start of the final inspection visit by the IOC co-ordination commission. Rogge emphasized that he was not only pleased to see that there were already positive results in terms of the legacy but also in the areas where the venues are being built.

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, left, greets IOC President Jacques
Rogge at Downing Street in London, Wednesday, March 28, 2012. Cameron is
meeting with International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge and
officials, amid the final inspection visit before the games by the IOC
coordination commission.

British Prime Minister David Cameron, meanwhile, told reporters at a press conference that London will be ready to welcome the world's greatest sporting event. Rogge is in Britain to get updates on the Games' preparations from Cameron, as well as the Culture Secretary and Sports Minister as IOC inspectors begin their final three-day visit before the Olympics begins in July.

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron (R), International Olympic Committee
president Jacques Rogge (L) and the Chair of the London 2012 Organising
Committee (LOCOG) Sebastian Coe, arrive for a news conference in 10
Downing Street in London March 28, 2012.

Rogge said, "We are confident that we will have a great games but of course we all know that the proof of the pudding is in the eating and that the final judgment of the games will only be rendered at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games and not before. However, I am very glad to say that already we have positive results in terms of the legacy. There is already before the games even begin a great legacy in East London, a great legacy of the sport venues and this is a tangible legacy that is a great economic return also."

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron (C) and Chair of the London 2012
Organising Committee (LOCOG) Sebastian Coe listen, as International Olympic
Committee (IOC) president Jacques Rogge (L) speaks during a news conference
at 10 Downing Street in London March 28, 2012.


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