
Diplomats look for policy in

发布时间:2012-03-06  来源:cntv  字体大小[ ]

Diplomats from many countries are expressing great interest in the workings of China's political system, with the opening of the annual session of the National People's Congress.

In their own way, they represent the international eyes during China’s most high-profile political event. And they’re keenly interested in understanding the legislature and top advisory body.

It is the first time for Australian Ambassador Frances Adamson to attend the two sessions.


Australian ambassador Frances Adamson.


Slovenian ambassador Marija Adanja.

She has been following the economic restructuring in China.

For diplomats, studying the government report could help them better understand China. They hope the sessions will yield practical, realistic solutions rather than just formal words.

Irish ambassador Declan Kelleher.

Turkish ambassador Murat Selim Esenli.

公众传媒摘编GNA JADE

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