
Paul McCartney weds American heiress in London

发布时间:2011-10-10  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

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Paul McCartney weds American heiress in London

Former Beatle Paul McCartney and American heiress Nancy Shevell were married on Sunday, emerging joyously from a 45-minute civil marriage ceremony to be showered with confetti from fans.

The pop icon raised his bride's arm in triumph as they blew kisses to the hundreds of fans and paparazzi waiting on the steps of the Old Marylebone Town Hall for the big event.

Former Beatle Paul McCartney and American heiress Nancy Shevell are seen after their wedding at Marylebone Town Hall, London, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011. McCartney and Shevell were married on Sunday, emerging joyously from a 45-minute civil marriage ceremony to be showered with confetti from fans.

Shevell, with a white flower in her long dark hair, wore an elegant, understated above-the-knee gown designed by McCartney's daughter, Stella. He wore a blue suit, a pale blue tie, and a gigantic grin.

The former moptop wore his tinted hair longish for the occasion, bringing back memories of the days when girls swooned as he sang "All My Loving" and other boy-meets-girl hits.

The loving couple, beaming and relaxed, drove off in a burgundy Lexus for a gala reception at their nearby home in the St. John's Wood neighborhood. Champagne and cake awaited, along with guests like Ringo Starr, in a casual black t-shirt under his fitted suit, and his wife, the actress Barbara Bach.

There was a bit of deja vu for McCartney — he married his first wife, Linda Eastman, at the same place in 1969, breaking the hearts of teenage girls throughout much of the world.

Details of the ceremony have not been released. Press reports suggest McCartney's younger brother Mike served as best man and his young daughter Beatrice as flower girl.

A tent had been set up at McCartney's house nearby in the St. John's Wood neighborhood, and party decorations were delivered for a reception after the ceremony.

McCartney's traditional good luck seemed to hold — gloomy skies brightened as the events unfolded. Rain early in the day had stopped.

Former Beatle Paul McCartney and American heiress Nancy Shevell are seen after their wedding at Marylebone Town Hall, London, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011. McCartney and Shevell were married on Sunday, emerging joyously from a 45-minute civil marriage ceremony to be showered with confetti from fans.

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