
2011 UN AIDS meeting to conclude

发布时间:2011-06-11  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

World leaders attending a UN General Assembly meeting on HIV/AIDS, have called for more work to limit the causes that spread the deadly disease.

A declaration agreed at the conclusion of the meeting on Friday commits UN's 192 member states to work towards providing 15 million people living with HIV, with anti-retro-viral treatment by 2015.

Kevin Rudd, Australian Foreign Minister, said, "We have come to this conference to make a difference. This declaration seeks to do just that. It commits us to new targets, It recognizes those groups who are the most vulnerable. "

Miguel Berger, Deputy Representative of Germany to UN, said, "Gender inequality contributes globally to the spread of HIV. Women and girls are more vulnerable to infection and to social economic consequences of the epidemic. Promoting gender equality and combating sexual violence are thus important measures against HIV."

The declaration was adopted later on Friday, the last day of the three-day summit. It urged governments to try to eliminate by 2015 most new HIV infections among children, who inherit the condition from infected mothers. Since the discovery of AIDS 30 years ago, nearly 30 million people have died of the disease, while 33.3 million are still living with HIV.

全球公众传媒摘编:GAN JADE

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