
Reforms bring wide expectations in Cuba

发布时间:2011-04-19  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The sixth congress of Cuba's Communist Party approved landmark economic reforms and voted for new leaders. The moves have brought wide expectations. Many are Cubans positive, but some are cautious about the country's future.

Monday's headlines blazed Fidel Castro's endorsement for reform. The former president said the new generation of Cuban leaders should change without hesitation.

It echoes the speech of his brother President Raul Castro, at the opening of the Party Congress.

Castro said, "In time we must guarantee the systematic rejuvenation of the entire chain of command, both administrative and within the party. From the base, all the way up to the comrades who hold the greatest responsibilities."

The reforms include slashing government jobs, cutting subsidies, encouraging more private initiative and foreign investment, and reducing state spending.

Karel Prado, Evangelical Pastor, said, "We believe that our nation is going to change completely. There are some very good things, but there are other things that need to be changed. We believe in that. "

Cuban student Rachel said, "I hope that with these new measures, the economic and social situation in our country will improve."

But intense debate continues over several points. Some Cubans are questioning how the reforms will be implemented and whether they are enough.

Raul Ortega Valdes, Cuban retiree, said, "The government has good intentions but I can't see how they are going to improve things."

Oscar Espinoza Chepe, dissident economist, said, "Everything seems to indicate that there will be change, but very limited. Changes that will leave a lot to desire in the face of the scale of the national crisis."

State television announced the unanimous approval of about 300 economic proposals, but it did not give details. The party's new leadership has also been decided, but no names were given.

Raul Castro is expected to take the leading position, leaving all eyes focused on the selection of a new second secretary.

全球公众传媒摘编GAN  JADE

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