
Interview with Dmitry Medvedev, Russian President

发布时间:2011-04-15  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

With the upcoming BRICS Leaders meeting in South China's Hainan Province just around the corner, our CCTV reporter Shui Junyi had an exclusive interview with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, on the significance of the BRICS, and its development in the future.

Russian president Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev said "First, the BRICS is a crucial and a new mechanism for international cooperation, especially with the Republic of South Africa joining in. There used to be questions about the the meaning of BRIC and its function. It's true that all the members are powerful countries with great economic strength, including the People's Republic of China. At first they were just gathering to discuss some miner issues. But when this mechanism came into effect, those problems disappeared, because the BRIC started to take joint actions to plan their economic policies. They also tried to solve international issues together. However, just as BRIC countries are under close and thorough cooperation, the global financial crisis came along. Fortunately, by taking unified actions, we overcame the crisis quite quickly. And Through negotiation we can participate in the G-20 Summit in a common voice. Secondly, we will discuss issues like how to improve international financial systems, and the standard of communicating with international financial institutions. In fact, we have already had some preliminary discussions about the quota mechanism of the World Bank and IMF. In a word, the BRICS, including China, India, Brazil, Russia and now South Africa, is a fully matured mechanism, in coordinating the positions of those fast-growing countries. I definitely believe that the leaders meeting will achieve active results. I hope to meet with BRICS leaders, including China's President Hu Jintao, to bring our policies concerning global issues into line.

CCTV reporter Shui Junyi had an exclusive interview with Russian president Dmitry

CCTV reporter Shui Junyi

Russia's President speaks highly of efforts to boost cooperation in many fields. He also expressed his wishes of a better future between China and Russia.

Dmitry Medvedev said "Our relationship has reached a peak since the establishment of our diplomatic relations. But it does not mean that we should be satisfied by this achievement. We have a solid relationship because we are strategic partners, backed by mutually signed treaties, and many political statements announced by leaders of two sides. Our economic cooperation has witnessed huge increases. The bilateral trade volume in 2010 hit sixty billion U.S. dollars. Russia and China are both large emerging markets in the world. So, I believe our goal of reaching one hundred billion US dollars will be realized soon. What's more, we also have significant mutual investment in various fields including energy sources. With China a huge energy-consuming nation, and Russia a powerful energy supplier, we share common interests in Hi-tech research, space exploration, nuclear facilities construction, and agriculture development. To sum up, both countries should continuously boost their cooperation in the economy, and strengthen communication in the field of culture."

全球公众传媒摘编GAN  JADE

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