
Rediscovering China - New Era. New Plan

发布时间:2011-03-13  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

China has entered a new era as the world's second largest economy. The 12th 5-Year Program begins.

New Era.New Plan provides a glimpse into the making of the 12th Program and how it aims to re-balance and restructure the economy. The current growth model is economically and environmentally unsustainable. There are gaps between rich and poor that need to be bridged. China needs to change direction.

We explore key questions: How much is the label "Made in China" going to change? Is China really going green? Why will innovation be a priority? How will domestic consumption increase? Is China really an unattractive environment for foreign investors? We meet with experts, investors, designers and the farmer who spoke to the Premier. Find out what they have to say.

New Era. New Plan is broadcast on CCTV News on Saturday 12th March at 05.30am, 10.30 am and 17.30pm Beijing time.

The Rediscovering China Team wants to hear from you. What are your thoughts on the program? Comment here or pop an email to: rediscoveringchina@cctv.com.

We'll also view comments on Verity Aylward's CNTV blog or the Verity Aylward Fan Page.

球公众传摘编GAN  JADE

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