
European nations send aids to Japan

发布时间:2011-03-13  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

In addition to the countries already mentioned even more aid is pouring in for Japan. The UK is sending 63 search and rescue personnel, along with two dogs, to assist the relief effort.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for a minute of silence to support those affected by the quake, and its aftermath, while Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin also expressed his nation's condolences.

William Hague, UK Foreign Secretary, said, "We're in very close touch with the government of Japan, and in giving any assistance that we can to the people of Japan in this terrible ordeal. So they have asked for help -- the Japanese Foreign Minster has asked us to assist -- and we are sending a search and rescue team."

Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, said, "Due to the situation in Japan, I would ask you to hold a moment of silence, in order to say a silent prayer, and think of the victims in Japan with all their fears and worries. And with this minute of silence we are holding together now, we want to express that our thoughts are first with the Japanese people, today."

Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime Minister, said, "Once again, on behalf of the government of the Russian Federation, I express condolences to the government of Japan in regard to the tragedy that happened there. In this regard, I'm asking the official bodies and companies to elaborate with our Japanese friends on the question of possible provision of help, of course if such help is needed."

球公众传摘编GAN  JADE

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