
Professional dating websites boom in US

发布时间:2011-01-05  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

From sword making to date making. We enter the cyberworld for this next story... It's New Year's, and for thousands of people finding true love ranks at the top of their resolutions. In the US, online dating seems to be the way forward, and dating web sites there are enjoying revenue growth of 10 to 15 percent a year.

It's all about love.

You encounter it in most ordinary places, you taste it for a whole life time, you learn it from books, now you can find the one on line.

In the US, online sites like eHarmony are close to becoming household names.

The latter is now worth approximately 250 million US dollars with about 13 percent market share.

eHarmony says it's responsible for 2 percent of all US marriages and more than 200 members get married everyday.

In the US, online dating seems to be the way forward, and dating web sites
there are enjoying revenue growth of 10 to 15 percent a year.

Dr. Gian Gonzaga, E-Harmony Senior R&D Director, said, "We do all of our science and all of our work to be able to let people meet the right people at the beginning of their relationships so that they can have a strong relationship for the rest of their lives."

Busy lives make many choose this "filtered way", they put their happiness in the hands of experts.

eHarmony says it's responsible for 2 percent of all US marriages and more
than 200 members get married everyday.(File photo)

This woman says she likes the way the website has found her a husband who shares with her the same moral and religious beliefs.

Samantha Nebel, Study Participant, said, "It felt like less work. It felt like I go in and I'm pretty confident about the person I would be dating would be compatible on that level so I would worry about details and have fun with it."

e-Harmony labs track successfully married couples and pass on their experiences to other members. Researchers analyze how the couples react to each other.

Experts say 41 percent of online daters today say they also use other social media tools to find dates, but pay sites are still the first choice for online dating.

It may not be for everyone, but internet dating connects millions of people seeking someone special in a way that could never have happened before.

全球公众传媒摘编:GAN  JADE 

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