
Ramos-Horta sworn in for 2nd time as Timor Leste president

发布时间:2022-05-20  来源:Xinhua  字体大小[ ]

Jose Ramos-Horta (C) attends the president inauguration ceremony in Dili, Timor Leste, May 19, 2022. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos-Horta was inaugurated and sworn in early Friday morning as the president of Timor Leste for the period of 2022 to 2027, making it the second time for him to lead Southeast Asia's youngest nation. (Photo by Amori Zedeao/Xinhua)

JAKARTA, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos-Horta was inaugurated and sworn in early Friday morning as the president of Timor Leste for the period of 2022 to 2027, making it the second time for him to lead Southeast Asia's youngest nation.

Ramos-Horta, 72, is also known as one of Timor Leste's founding fathers. His inauguration came on the celebration of Timor Leste's Independence Day, which falls on May 20.

Ramos-Horta was the president of Timor Leste in the period of 2007 to 2012. He also served as the prime minister of the country from 2006 to 2007. His presidential candidacy was endorsed by the National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction (CNRT) Party and received support from Xanana Gusmao, the country's first president and current leader of the CNRT Party.

In his speech when taking the oath, he said he would put bilateral relationships with neighboring Indonesia and Australia as one of the top priorities.

He also conveyed his intention to strengthen and expand relations and trade cooperation with China in various sectors, including new technologies, renewable energy and digitalization.

Ramos-Horta also expressed his expectation that Timor Leste could become the 11th ASEAN member state during Indonesia's chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023. ■

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