
Revealing truth on border clashes with India to help understand events: spokesperson

发布时间:2021-02-21  来源:Xinhua  字体大小[ ]

 BEIJING, Feb. 19 -- China has published relevant reports and revealed the truth on the border clashes with India, and this will help people understand the truth and the rights and wrongs of these events, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said here Friday.

Hua made the remarks when asked to comment on a comprehensive report published on Friday by China's PLA Daily which confirmed that, during the border conflict between China and India in June last year, four Chinese officers and soldiers died and one regimental commander was seriously injured.

Noting that the responsibility for the border incident between China and India in the Galwan Valley last June does not lie with the Chinese side, Hua said the incident caused casualties, and in order to maintain the overall relationship between the two countries, China has maintained a high degree of restraint in easing up and cooling down the situation, an approach that shows China's tolerance and sense of responsibility as a responsible major country.

However, the Indian side has repeatedly hyped up the casualties, distorted the truth and misled international public opinion, she said.

"Now the PLA Daily has published relevant reports and revealed the truth. I believe it will help people to understand the truth and the rights and wrongs of the events. It is also a tribute to the bravery of the heroes and martyrs defending the country on the border," Hua said.

She stressed that China always maintains a consistent position on resolving the border issue, and is always committed to properly resolving disputes through dialogue while maintaining peace and stability in the border area.

"We hope to work with the Indian side to maintain peace and tranquility in the border area and promote the long-term, healthy and stable development of bilateral relations. I think it is in the common interests of the two peoples," Hua said.

中国公共网摘编QI JADE

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