
Global COVID-19 cases surpass 20 mln: Johns Hopkins University

发布时间:2020-08-11  来源:Xinhua  字体大小[ ]

 With 5,085,821 cases and 163,370 fatalities, the United States has suffered the most from the pandemic, accounting for a quarter of the global caseload.

NEW YORK, Aug. 10 -- Global COVID-19 cases surpassed 20 million on Monday, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

The global case count reached 20,001,019, with a total of 733,897 deaths worldwide as of 7:35 p.m. local time (2335 GMT), the CSSE data showed.

With 5,085,821 cases and 163,370 fatalities, the United States has suffered the most from the pandemic, accounting for a quarter of the global caseload. Brazil recorded 3,057,470 cases and 101,752 deaths, second only to the United States. India confirmed more than 2.2 million cases.

Countries with more than 400,000 cases also include Russia, South Africa, Mexico and Peru. Other countries with over 30,000 deaths are Mexico, Britain, India, Italy and France, according to the center.

The world has seen soaring new infections over the past months. Global cases topped 10 million on June 28 and doubled just 43 days later.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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