
Xi urges reform to prioritize solving practical issues

发布时间:2018-09-20  来源:CGTN  字体大小[ ]


Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, called for efforts to make reform focus on solving practical issues on Thursday.

Xi made the remarks while presiding over the fourth meeting of the central committee for deepening overall reform, which he heads.

Several documents were reviewed and passed at the meeting, covering areas such as high quality development, reform and innovation in China's pilot free trade zones, and vaccines.

High quality development

It was pointed out at the meeting that boosting high quality development is fundamental to the forming of development strategies and economic policies, as well as the implementation of macro control in China.

It urges the making of high quality development policies in areas like manufacturing, hi-tech and service industries, infrastructure and public services.

Pilot free trade zone

As for trade, the meeting encourages reform and innovation to be deepened in pilot free trade zones.

It demands further reform and opening up to create a better environment for investments, improve trade facilitation, and push for the financial and innovative services to serve the real economy.

Financial supervision

It is also emphasized at the meeting that the supervision of systemic key financial organizations should be enhanced, in order to lead the large-scale financial agencies towards managing themselves in a prudent way and preventing systemic financial risks.


The meeting touched upon the issue of vaccines, saying they relate to people's daily lives, public health and national security. According to the meeting, strong measures must be taken to strictly control the market access of vaccines and strengthen supervision of those already in the market.

Illegal and irregular activities must be dealt with harshly to guarantee the safety of vaccine production and supplies.

The meeting also issued a call for more research and development into vaccines.

Moreover, relevant laws and regulations should be improved to increase the cost of and punishment for violations.

(Cover: Zhengzhou Comprehensive Service Center for the pilot free trade zone in Henan. /VCG Photo)

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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