
World response to Israeli violence against Palestinians in Gaza

发布时间:2018-05-16  来源:CGTN  字体大小[ ]


At least 63 Palestinians have been killed and about 2,800 wounded in confrontations between Israeli forces and Palestinians, mostly from the Gaza enclave, who protested against the relocation of the US embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to the disputable holy city of Jerusalem.

Read more: Further protests and unrest expected in Gaza after bloodshed

Here's a pile-up of world responses to the recent Israeli violence against Palestinian protesters on Israeli borders with the Gaza Strip.

China: Seriously concerned about the violence

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang said at a daily news briefing that China is seriously concerned about the confrontations that caused mass casualties and opposes violent action targeting civilians.

“We have called on both Israel and Palestine, especially the Israeli side, to keep restraint to avoid further escalation of tensions,” Lu said.

Lu added that "peace talks between Palestine and Israel should be resumed as soon as possible and the final status of Jerusalem should be settled through dialogues."

Arab League: Israel is conducting 'war crimes'

The Cairo-based AL strongly condemned in a statement on Tuesday the Israeli "massacres" against unarmed Palestinian protesters, describing the Israeli actions as rising to the level of "war crimes".

"The fall of tens of Palestinian martyrs in the marches of heroism and freedom should move the world's conscience," AL Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit said in the statement.

He called on the international community to "provide protection for the Palestinian people who have chosen the peaceful path of struggle but met by brutality, violence and murder".

Egypt: US's decision 'undermines peace'

The Egyptian parliament warned Tuesday against the Israeli continuous violation of the charters and resolutions of international legitimacy, referring to the killing of dozens of Palestinian protesters as a "new Nakba".

He said that the US "unstudied" embassy relocation decision "nourishes the environment of instability and undermines chances for peace".

African Union: 'Disproportionate use of force' for Israel

The AU believes that the US embassy move to Jerusalem can only further heighten tensions in the region and complicate the search for a lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"The AU affirms solidarity with the Palestinian people in their legitimate quest for an independent and sovereign state with East Jerusalem as its capital," Moussa Faki Mahamat, chairperson of the AU Commission, said in a statement.

South Africa: Withdraw its ambassador to Israel

South Africa withdrew Monday its ambassador to Israel immediately and until further notice over the Israeli "violent aggression" against "peaceful civilians" in Gaza Strip.

Turkey: Expelled the Israeli ambassador

On the other hand, Turkey expelled Tuesday the Israeli ambassador to Ankara a day after it recalled Turkish envoys in Tel Aviv and Washington for consultations over the Israeli killings of Palestinian protesters.

Israel replied with expelling the Turkish consul general in Jerusalem Tuesday.

Palestinian Authority: Recalled its US envoy

The Palestinian Authority also recalled its top envoy in Washington Tuesday over the US embassy move and the consequent Israeli killings of Palestinian protesters.

Yemen: Protested against Israel

Meanwhile, thousands of Yemenis took to the streets in the capital Sanaa Tuesday to protest against the recent Israeli violence and the US embassy relocation to Jerusalem.

United Nations: 'Terrible tragedy'

Internationally, the UN Security Council is currently holding an emergency meeting called for by Kuwait where several representatives of member states expressed condemnation of the recent Israeli aggression and called for a probe into the Israeli attacks in Gaza.

The UN Human Rights Council also decided Tuesday to hold a special session on Friday to discuss "the deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem".

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres described Tuesday what happened in Gaza a day earlier as "a terrible tragedy", adding that "this only shows how important it is to have a political solution".

Ireland: Outraged by the violence

In Europe, the Irish government summoned the Israeli ambassador to Dublin to express the Irish government's and people's outrage and dismay at the recent events in Gaza.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said on Tuesday that his government is "profoundly shocked" at the killings and injuries in Gaza, while some leading politicians and lawmakers urged for sending the Israeli ambassador home and recalling the Irish one.

Belgium: Terrorist

Belgium's Foreign Ministry summoned Tuesday the Israeli ambassador after the latter indicated that all the Palestinians killed in Monday's violence were "terrorists".

France: Disapprove US' embassy move

French President Emmanuel Macron has already slammed on Monday the violence of Israeli armed forces against Palestinian protesters and reiterated France's disapproval of the US embassy move to Jerusalem.

Germany: Understand Israel's security needs

German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the phone on Tuesday her concern over the violence in Gaza, yet she said that "Germany understands Israel's security needs", according to her office.

Australia: Hamas is to blame for Gaza deaths

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Melbourne Radio 3AW the loss of life was “tragic” but that “Hamas’s conduct is confrontational. They’re seeking to provoke the Israeli Defense Forces.”

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency

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