
One person dead after fire breaks out at Trump Tower in New York

发布时间:2018-04-08  来源:CGTN  字体大小[ ]

 A fire that erupted in an apartment on the 50th floor of Trump Tower in New York has left one resident dead and four firefighters with minor injuries, according to the New York City Fire Department.

The 67-year-old male victim, identified as Todd Brassner by US media, later died in hospital after he was pulled out of the scene “unconscious and unresponsive."

Some 200 firefighters and emergency members are on the scene as the situation is still not under control because of "a considerable amount of smoke" in the rest of the building, the fire department tweeted.

AFP Photo

Reuters Photo

Fire at the Midtown Manhattan skyscraper reportedly started at around 6:00 pm (2200 GMT) late Saturday and was put off at around 9 pm.

"We found fire on the 50th floor of the building. The apartment was entirely on fire," New York fire department Commissioner Daniel Nigro said. "This was a very difficult fire. As you can imagine, the apartment is quite large, we are 50 stories up."

Earlier before the news of death, US President Donald Trump, who is currently in Washington, DC, tweeted the fire was out in the "well built" building.

"Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!"

Streets surrounding the building owned by Trump, which serves as the headquarters for The Trump Organization and houses a penthouse, are currently closed off.

The cause of the fire has not yet been confirmed.

(With input from AFP)

(Video image by New York City Fire Department Twitter)

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