
Palestinian PM calls on Hamas to complete power transfer in Gaza

发布时间:2018-04-03  来源:CGTN  字体大小[ ]


‍Prime Minister of the Palestinian consensus government Rami Hamdallah on Monday called on Hamas movement, which controls the Gaza Strip, to hand over power in the coastal enclave to the Palestinian Authority.

"We won't go to the Gaza Strip until power is fully transferred to the Palestinian government," Hamdallah said in the West Bank city of Nablus during a Palestinian rally to mark the anniversary of the Land Day.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (R) talks with Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah (C) as they attend the presentation of the preliminary results of the general census of population, housing and establishments, in Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank, March 28, 2018. /VCG Photo

He stressed that all security, financial, administrative and judiciary files should be under the full and complete control of the Palestinian Authority.

Hamdallah also told the rally that his government "is ready to take over responsibilities," adding "this is the only way to achieve national reconciliation and rescue the situation in Gaza."

On March 13, Hamdallah's convoy was attacked when unknown militants blew up a roadside bomb right after his convoy passed by during a visit he made to the Gaza Strip, where several cars of his convoy were damaged and seven of his bodyguards injured.

Palestinian relatives of Hamdan Abu Amsha, who was killed a day earlier by Israeli forces when clashes erupted as tens of thousands as Gazans marched near the Israeli border with the enclave to mark Land Day, cry during his funeral in Beit Hanun in the northern of Gaza Strip, March 31, 2018. /VCG Photo

Abbas accused Hamas movement of being responsible for the bombing, while Hamas, which has been controlling security in the Gaza Strip since 2007, rejected Abbas' accusations.

Meanwhile, Hamdallah condemned the Israeli killing of 15 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip during rallies, marches and demonstrations close to the border between eastern Gaza Strip and Israel, which began Friday and will end on May 15.

"It is not accepted to see the world keeping silent towards the endless Israeli actions of killing," Hamdallah said during the rally, adding "all what we need is an international consensus that puts an end to the Israeli practices and measures."

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