
EU holds "Europe Street" festival in Beijing

发布时间:2017-09-26  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

On Saturday, September 23, the delegation of the European Union to China celebrated the richness of the continent's culture through "Europe Street," a festival featuring all 28 member states of the EU at Beijing's Sanlitun SOHO. The milestone event had brought unique activities to visitors.

The festival attracted many visitors. (Photo/ Qian Ding)

The one-day cultural event started at 10 am and opened by EU ambassador to China Hans Dietmar Schweisgut. Booths operated by 28 EU Member States and the EU delegation showcased the continent's unique heritage, education and tourism opportunities. Visitors could sample authentic European products, such as Czech liquor, French biscuits, Luxembourgian sparkling wine, Croatian sweet treats, and so much more.

Booth of Czech Republic (Photo/ Qian Ding)

klompen in Dutch booth. (Photo/ Qian Ding)

Visitor is taking photo with a man dressed up as "Game of Thrones" character (Photo/ Qian Ding)

Performers took to the stage throughout the day to show visitors the richness of Europe's heritage in living color with pop music from Germany, dancing Smurfs, Spanish flamenco, Swedish song with guitar and traditional Irish songs.

Young artists performing. (Photo/ Qian Ding)

Spanish flamenco. (Photo/ Qian Ding)

EU Ambassador Schweisgut said, "The European Union and China both have long histories and rich cultures. We hope our 'Europe Street' event will deepen exchanges between our cultures and allow Chinese people attending the event to experience Europe right in the heart of their own capital. "

The EU delegation to China operated an additional booth providing information, guiding visitors and handing out special souvenir "EU Passports," which visitors can use to collect a stamp from each EU Member State and are eligible to receive a small gift at the end of their journey around "Europe" booths.

“European Union Passport" (Photo/ Qian Ding)

"Europe Street" is part of the two-year Experience Europe campaign initiated by the Delegation of the European Union to China. The campaign is aimed to entertain Chinese audiences, while informing them about its history, policies, values, economy, culture and lifestyles through a series of 24 monthly topics in the form of social media posts, online competitions, podcasts, info-graphics and animated videos, as well as featured cultural events, policy forums and public lectures on issues such as peace and prosperity, the environment, education, trade and other topics of interest.

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