
Jordan says Arab Summit to send message of peace to whole world

发布时间:2017-03-29  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

DEAD SEA, March 26 (Xinhua) -- Jordan on Sunday said the 28th Arab Summit will send a message of peace to the entire world and will stress on the Arab world's pursuit of peace and stability.

The Arab summit seeks to convince the entire world that the Arab nations are "highly credible when it comes to peace and the two state solution" for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Minister of State for Media Affairs Mohammad Momani said at a press conference Sunday on the sidelines of the Arab Summit.

He cited the Palestinian problem as a permanent topic of Arab League sessions.

Momani noted that Jordan's King Abdullah II will visit Washington days after the conclusion of the Arab summit as the Monarch of the King and as the President of the Arab summit.

The Jordanian leader will discuss the major challenges facing the Arab world, including the issue of Jerusalem, the several challenges on the danger of extremism and terrorism and the several conflicts, he said.

"We are a nation that seeks peace, and we would like the international community to stand with us in our efforts to attain peace," he said.

Momani stressed on the Arab League's commitment to the two-state solution for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

"We firmly stand behind the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative as well as other international peace initiatives and UN Security Council resolutions as an important framework to bring justice to the Palestinian people," Momani said.

Regarding Sudan's participation in the summit, Momani said details regarding the attendance of Arab leaders will be announced later once confirmed.

"Jordan is a founding member of the Arab League and is completely committed to its charter, which clearly mentions Sudan's membership in the Arab League. Therefore, Sudan must attend Arab summits in light of the League's charter," he noted.

He also reiterated Jordan's support for a political solution for the crisis in Syria.

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