
Premier visits Haier-owned research center in Auckland

发布时间:2017-03-29  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

(Source: CGTN)

China and New Zealand relations are still going strong after 45 years of diplomatic ties. And as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's four-day visit draws to a close, more cooperation pacts are coming out. China and New Zealand have agreed to start talks on upgrading their free trade agreement next month.

Premier Li Keqiang was accompanied by his New Zealand counterpart, Bill English, on a visit to the research center of Fisher & Paykel, a well-known local household appliance company, now majority-owned by Haier Group, a Chinese firm, in Auckland, a city in the North Island of New Zealand, on March 28.

Premier Li Keqiang was accompanied by his New Zealand counterpart, Bill English, on a visit to the research center of Fisher & Paykel, a well-known local household appliance company, now majority-owned by Haier Group, a Chinese firm, in Auckland, a city in the North Island of New Zealand, on March 28.

It was like a rock star entrance, for Premier Li as Maori warriors and dragon dancers escorted him in a hotel ballroom for a gala lunch in his honour.

"Premier Li, the energy and warmth of the welcome you had today reflects the respect in which you are held here in New Zealand, and respect for the deepening relationship between China and New Zealand," New Zealand PM Bill English said.

And Mr Li, also rose to the occasion with his Maori welcome.

The Premier says the signing of new co-operation agreements between the two countries during his visit has lifted the relationship between China and new Zealand to higher levels.

"We see no end of our co-operation. We can always move up to higher peaks and climb higher mountains," Premier Li said.

"The menu for today's gala luncheon was a fusion of New Zealand and Chinese cuisine, such as mushrooms marinated in rice wine and beef with Sichuan peppers which the Prime Minister says was crafted to highlight the deep and genuine partnership between China and New Zealand.

That partnership was also on display earlier in the day when the Premier visited the global centre of excellence for Fisher & Paykel, the New Zealand appliance company now owned by China's Haier which exports to 50 countries.

"This shows that China and New Zealand can engage in bilateral co-operation and we can also explore markets in third party countries," Premier Li said.

And New Zealand's Prime Minister expressed his gratitude for China's help in getting new Zealand through the Global Financial Crisis.

"We believe that the special relationship between New Zealand and China is critical to our future. It's a big part of the Asia Pacific, and therefore our ongoing economic success," English said.

"To the New Zealand people and the Chinese people for the co-operation between China and New Zealand. Your good health, cheers," Premier Li said.

Mr Li leaves New Zealand tomorrow, he'll take with him a special memento from the Prime Minister - his own specially inscribed All Black rugby jersey.

Premier Li Keqiang addressed a welcoming banquet with New Zealand’s Prime Minister Bill English on March 28.

Premier Li Keqiang addressed a welcoming banquet with New Zealand’s Prime Minister Bill English on March 28.

Premier Li Keqiang was accompanied by his New Zealand counterpart, Bill English, on a visit to the research center of Fisher & Paykel, a well-known local household appliance company, now majority-owned by Haier Group, a Chinese firm, in Auckland, a city in the North Island of New Zealand, on March 28.

Premier Li Keqiang was accompanied by his New Zealand counterpart, Bill English, on a visit to the research center of Fisher & Paykel, a well-known local household appliance company, now majority-owned by Haier Group, a Chinese firm, in Auckland, a city in the North Island of New Zealand, on March 28.

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