
China ranks third in medal table at Asian Winter Games

发布时间:2017-02-27  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The 2017 Asian Winter Games have come to an end, with the conclusion of the men's free figure-skating program. China took part in all 64 of the Games' events, snatching 12 gold, 14 silver and nine bronze medals to finish third in the medal table.

Representatives of China

Representatives of China's delegation attend the closing ceremony of the 2017 Sapporo Asian Winter Games in Sapporo, Japan, Feb. 26, 2017. (Xinhua/Jiang Wenyao)

Three-time host Japan tops the games with 27 gold, 21 silver and 26 bronze medals, while South Korea was a distant second place on 16-18-16. With the PyeongChang Winter Olympics less than a year away, and taking place right next door in South Korea, China is vowing to bounce back and eventually shine when Beijing hosts the Winter Olympics in 2022.

The 8th Asiad was the largest-ever of its kind, attracting around 1,500 participants from 30 countries and regions.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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