
China to become world's No.1 organ transplant country

发布时间:2017-02-08  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

China's former vice health minister and chairman of the National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee in Beijing, Dr. Huang Jiefu, attended the conference, and introduced the current situation in China.

"China undertook more than 13 thousand organ transplant operations in the past year... We are confident that in just a few years, China will become the No.1 organ transplant country in the world," Dr. Huang said.

Huang said China is improving its national organ donation and transplantation systems. He called for the World Health Organization to take the lead in setting up a special committee to monitor organ transplantation activities of its member countries. A "China Model" was introduced at the meeting. Huang's colleague, Dr. Wang Haibo, said China has been making efforts to find its own path that can also meet the international norm.

"The government should take the lead. Whether it is the monitoring of organ transplants, a crackdown on organ trafficking, or the promotion of organ donation, the government is responsible and should take the leading position. This is a very significant point in the 'China Model'," Dr. Wang said.

中国公共新闻网摘编GAN JADE

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