
Snap election on March 2 called in Northern Ireland after gov't fails

发布时间:2017-01-17  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

LONDON, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- A snap election for the devolved Northern Ireland parliament was called Monday night in the latest twist to a major rift between the two main parties, the Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).

Power-sharing governance in the once troubled province of Britain collapsed after the assembly's deputy leader Martin McGuinness of the republican Sinn Fein party quit.

His resignation a week ago meant that the assembly leader Arlene Foster of the DUP automatically lost her job.

Hopes of a breakthrough to avoid an all-out election failed to materialize by a 5pm deadline local time, plunging the region into a period of potential turmoil and crisis.

The Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire, a member of the British government's cabinet, announced the election in Belfast.

The people of Northern Ireland will vote for the 108 assembly members on March 2.

Brokenshire said the assembly will be dissolved on Jan. 26 when temporary decision-making power will transfer to him as Northern Ireland Secretary.

He said the timing of the election process will not affect Prime Minister Theresa May's plan to trigger Britain's exit from the European Union. She plans to start the exit process by the end of March.

The row between Sinn Fein and DUP erupted over a controversial heating scheme which has overspent, with people in Northern Ireland facing having to pick up the cost estimated to be around 500 million pounds (611 million U.S. dollars).

The row evolved into a breakdown in trust between the two political parties.

Brokenshire said in Belfast as he announced the election "No one should underestimate the challenge faced to the political institutions here in Northern Ireland and what is at stake."

He encouraged the political parties to conduct this election with a view to the future of Northern Ireland and re-establishing a partnership government at the earliest opportunity after that poll.

"The government continues to stand firmly behind its commitment to our responsibilities to safeguard political stability in Northern Ireland," said Brokenshire.

He also plans to make a statement Tuesday about the crisis in Northern Ireland to the House of Commons.

Political observers in Northern Ireland have predicted a "brutal" campaign.

The future shape of devolved power in Northern Ireland will now depend on how the 1.3 million people of the region vote on March 2.

In the assembly elections last year the DUP won 38 seats, while Sinn Fein garnered 28.

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