
Urban-rural divide in Colorado

发布时间:2016-11-07  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

The upcoming U.S. presidential election will be decided by voters with very different sets of priorities and values. But analysts believe there's a new trend emerging in how people are voting. CCTV's Hendrik Sybrandy looks at how America's urban-rural divide may be Boulder, Colorado has long prided itself on its liberalism, its progressive ideas. Its residents vote Democratic as reliably as the sun shines here, which is often.

"It's more than a lean. I'm absolutely with Hillary."

"She's amazing. She's a bad ass. She's just unbelievable on every count."

"It's a no-brainer if you're a Democrat."

But surrounding Boulder County is a different story.

Boulder, home to the University of Colorado, has always strongly leaned Democratic. But travel a little bit outside of the city, you'll find a different landscape and a very different state of mind.

This farming area north of the city of Longmont voted Republican by a 2-to-1 margin in 2012.

"I'm all out for Trump."

"I feel more the needs that we have for our country, Republicans definitely represent that."

"That's a trend we've been seeing for the last few decades," said professor Seth Masket of the University of Denver.

He says people living in U.S. cities are increasingly voting Democratic while those in rural areas tilt Republican.

"More and more the type of lifestyle we want, whether it's the type of food you want to eat or the type of commute we want to have to work or the places we want to work and live correlate much more heavily with how we vote than they used to," Seth Masket said.

This 2012 election map, with red denoting counties that voted Republican and blue counties that voted Democratic, illustrates the trend.

Masket says the mobile age has made it easier for liberal and conservative voters to go where they're most comfortable.

"Just as those groups have been targeted by the parties they've moved more into those parties' directions," he said.

Urban and rural areas have also fared differently economically. In 2010, according to one study, Boulder had six times more high-tech start-ups per capita than the nation's average.

Meantime, much of rural America has struggled. Some say that's accelerated the divide.

"I think that in the more rural areas that you have people who aren't as educated and who just don't read."

"The people who want freebies go to the city."

"Some other people think what can I get, what can I get."

They're looking at the election through very different lenses.

"Hillary is just a stain on our history, as is Obama."

"When it comes to people supporting Trump specifically, just based on his rhetoric and stuff, I just can't wrap my mind around that."

America has always had differences of opinion.

"People will always have politically divergent views. That's the way it is."

This year, a lot may depend on where you live.

"I finally got mine. Thank you gentlemen."

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