
Death toll rises to 247, at least 368 injured in Italy quake

发布时间:2016-08-25  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

In Italy, the death toll from Wednesday's earthquake has climbed to 247, with over 360 injured.

According to rescuers, the numbers could still rise as more remain unaccounted for. The powerful magnitude six point two earthquake that struck near the central city of Rieti heavily damaged a number of towns.

Amatrice and Accumoli were among the hardest hit. In Accumoli, which was very close to the epicenter, at least 3-quarters of the buildings were destroyed, and almost 3-thousand people were evacuated.

In Amatrice, at least 60 lives were claimed. The Italian cabinet is set to meet on Thursday to discuss measures to help the quake-hit areas. At present, tents have been set up around villages and towns for the thousands who were left homeless.

"There are 350 displaced residents hosted here. Others are staying in their cars because they didn't want to abandon their properties.

"In the indoor gym, there are another 50 people, there they are kept warm. They are mostly children, elders, people who cannot walk, and who need more protection.

"There is another small camp 20 kilometres from here, where residents from different villages have gathered. It was not possible to take them here as the road is not accessible," said Tiziano De Carolis, Civil Protection Volunteer, Amatrice.

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